Monday, April 30, 2012

Loose Ends

David Bowie in The Man Who Fell To Earth
I actually watched this movie at the beginning of the semester when is was mentioned and failed to work it into a blog until now.  I had to get over that the movie is almost three hours of David Bowie's scrawny naked white ass and intellectually evaluate the imagery in the film.  Overall, the film is a good representation of descent if you can sit through it. I'm a big Bowie fan. More of his music than his films, but since I watched this movie and my group ripped off The Labyrinth in our presentation I am compelled to discuss it, briefly.  The film depicts a physical descent to Earth and a psychological descent after the initial descent.  The film is a love story, but does not have a happy ending.  It was an interesting choice of film by Dr. Sexson and I can see why he mentioned it. Another film recommended by Sexson in mythologies class was Dead Man, an acid western starring Johnny Depp.  Every English Major should watch this film.
I had hoped to write about Alice In Wonderland, a story I have very deep and special connection to.  I had also hoped to write about the Princess Bride, a story that makes me feel sane. Unfortunately, due to time and other commitments I was unable to address these stories that I feel act as lakes with the streams of the ocean of stories.  As the streams of stories flow together to the ocean of stories along the way there are stories so complex and important they form lakes that the streams of stories pass through on their way to becoming part of the ocean.  

I could have written a 20 page term paper, but in papers I believe in getting to the point so I kept it short.  I could have further explored the whole Dionysus-music-wine-earth-intoxication-consciousness thing, but I feel I pretty much covered it in my blog. My discussions of TOOL, Acid Bath, wine, concerts, and breaks with consciousness in my blog hopefully built up to my term paper making it unnecessary to go into great detail in my paper concerning those subjects.

Special Thanks to: Rio, Jennifer Cooley, and of course Dr. Sexson

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